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Thank you for 5 years together


Dear Mariah Smith,

My name is Jeff Patterson, the CEO of the LawServices company. I want to congratulate you on the 5 years of productive collaboration! The LawServices company and I appreciate you and your trust. We are happy to have been helpful all this time.

During this period, together we’ve been through:

We are proud to announce that all our lawyers successfully pass their bar exams every two years and learn from the best law teachers in the USA.

Dear Mariah,

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or your personal esquire at any time.

Cell phone number: +1234567890

Mark Bedingfield’s phone number: +1324567890

We are glad to inform that from now on you will have a 10% discount on all the services we provide.

Best Regards,

Jeff Patterson

